
Name Generator无法正常工作

作者 Leon


“A problem exists with the specified Name Generator server for the site. Please check that you typed the name correctly. That you have appropriate permissions, and that you have configured the name service software properly on that computer.”

这个问题的一般处理方法是删除Name Generator的COM组件,重建。


Check the following on the COM Name Generator server:

  • Ensure the user name and password are correct.
  • Ensure the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service is enabled (for Smart 3D version 2011 R1 and earlier, all client machines must also have this service enabled). 
  • When using Windows Server 2008 R2 or greater, you must add the role COM+ Network Access.
  • The Microsoft SQL server must be registered.
  • Users must be in the Distributed COM Users (DCOM Users) local group of the name generator server.
  • Under the Security tab on the Name Generator Properties, ensure that Enforce access checks for this application is not checked.
  • For Smart 3D version 2011 R1 and earlier, CASPOL must be executed on each client machine that is connecting to the project. Please see answer 22475 for more information on how to execute CASPOL on client machines.
  • All RPC dynamic ports in the firewall must be open in order for the name generator to communicate with the client computers. Refer to the installation guide for more details.
  • The name generator must be able to communicate with the SQL Server default instance running over TCP and the SQL Server Browser service.

Check the following on both the client and Name Generator server:

  • Enable Distributed COM on this computer” should be checked. This option is available in Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> Properties(Right Click) – > Default properties. This setting is enabled by default in Windows but in few cases it may have been disabled.

当命名服务器是Windows Server 2016,如果上述检查均正常,问题依然存在,那么COM+的设置需要特殊处理一下。

Application Server role was removed in Windows Server 2016 preview. Since COM+ Network Access” feature belongs to Application Server role, we cannot enable this feature now. To enable COM+ access on Windows Server 2016, edit the registry key as follows:

Set the value for RemoteAccessEnable to 1

从S3D2018版开始,命名服务真正的变成了一个服务项,而不是COM组件,安装好以后,开放固定端口8081,服务列表中找到这个Intergraph Name Generate,右键属性修改它的登陆账户为本地管理员或具有域管理员权限的域账户。

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